Dear ladies and gentlemen, we often take photos in our daily life, when you start posing for photos, how can you make yourself look slimmer and taller? Here are the photo-posing tips, from paying attention to camera angles to strategically positioning your body.

Avoid too low angle
Many people know that lower angles would show a slimmer figure. But be aware that shooting from a too low angle wouldn’t make a flattering photo, as the body figure may look unreasonable.

Angle is too low.

Avoid bulking cloth
Bulky clothing will make you look heavier than you really are, so stick to lightweight, thin fabrics if possible. Be your most slenderised self by dressing in darker tones. Wearing all black or head-to-toe dark colours will make you appear smaller in photos.

Sit/Stand up straight
Different postures during photo shooting will make a big difference. Hunched shoulders and dropping spines will downsize your figure and ruin your image. Pushing your shoulders back and leaning a bit backward will work well on camera.

Twist a bit towards the camera lens
A straight-on body shot shows you at your widest. If slight twist a little bit, you’ll look slimmer right away. Especially when you twist your head to the camera, you’ll have a slimmer face on the photo.

She looks slimmer on the left photo.

Keep your chin up and downward
This will stretch your neck and help to avoid any unpleasant chin angles.

Good chin position on the left photo.

Pull shoulders back
Not only will this accentuate your collarbone and slim your arms, it will also make you look more polished and put together, which is always a good thing.

Put a hand on the hip
Don’t press arms tightly to the body, posing with hand on hip will help slenderise arm and keep it looking long and lean. Anytime your arm is slightly away from the rest of your body, it creates a more pleasant effect. Brush your hand through your hair or try keeping your elbow slightly out to keep your upper arm looking lean.

She looks slimmer on the left photo.

Hide weight centre behind
By tilting pelvis back, one can easily move the weight centre behind the camera, thus create a slimmer body shape. To accentuate this effect, one can even stand on tiptoes or wear high heels, which would widen the thigh gap and extend the body shape.

Cross ankles
This works better when sitting in a skirt or dress. By crossing your legs at the ankle instead of at the knee, you’ll never expose too much thigh and will look leaner.

Thigh on the right photo looks too big.

Dear all, there’re many skills we can adopt during photo posing to achieve a more flattering scene. Which is your favourite one? Welcome to share with us your ideas too.