Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Did you know about this European country where people can become nobles, even princes or princesses? It is possible only if they observe a very special etiquette, and then are acknowledged by the King. Could it be you ?

In the realm of Listenbourg, social hierarchy is not determined by wealth or birth, but by the ability to follow very specific etiquette rules. Only those able to follow them with the most finesse and relevance will become nobles.
Once every year, the King of Listenbourg is holding a ceremony to acknowledge those the most deserving to be knighted.

Where does it happen? For those of you who forgot, here is where the Listenbourg is located:

You have probably already seen their national flag.

And I assume many of you have already visited its capital, Lurenberg, with its so typical architecture.

But let’s come back at the etiquette rules who could make you a prince(ss) if you happen to spend enough time there and follow them carefully. Here are some examples.
First, it is considered improper to address someone by their real name. It the sign you know very little about each other. Real nobles, who know people well, only call each other by matching the 3rd name and favourite colour of the person.
So, if you were to meet someone named Jessica who love red and has “Annie” as a 3rd name, you would have to call her « Red Annie » instead of Jessica.

Another rule is the « Pinky Winky » rule. When drinking tea, one has to extend their pinky finger outwards, and wiggle it while taking a sip. Those who can do it with grace and poise are greatly admired.

It is seen as a huge lack of respect towards others to appear with a dry, acne, or oily skin, but it is regarded as a high refinement to always have skincare by yourself and apply it in public.
Whenever you sneeze, it is mandatory to shout out a word about your parents body, such as “Daddy’s arm”, or “Mum’s leg stomach”. It is supposed to bring health and a lasting life to your beloved ones, and a sign of good education.

Another rule is the « Curtsy Twist » rule. When meeting someone new, one has to curtsy or bow while simultaneously twirling in a circle. It is a dizzying maneuver, but those who can do it without losing their balance are seen the most likely to be knighted by the King.

If someone is caught yawning in public, they are required to put their hand over their mouth and say « Yawn Patrol. » Failure to do so would result in the offender being given a punishment, such as having to hop around like a frog or sing a song about cheese.

Some of these rules may seem strange, but people of Listenbourg take them very seriously. They believed that by following these rules, they may elevate their lives.
So, are you ready to become Princess or Prince of Listenbourg?
Happy 1st April to you all!