Dear ladies and gentlemen, let’s sneak into the lives of celebrities and use their tips to shine as well! From the youngest to the oldest, all have valuable tricks for us!
Troye Sivan – The Dawy Look

Age: 24
Troye has a quite unique look, here’s how he maintains it!
He begins his routine with a moisturizer, which he just rub info his face.

To get extra hydration, he applies also pure rosehip oil.

Next is concealer, he applies it under eyes, centre of the eyebrows, around the nose and atop on his birthmark and possibly on pimples if any. He blends the product with his fingers.

Then he taps his brush before applying bronzer to remove the excess and then swirl it into his face, hairline, ears and neck. If you like the pale look, you can skip this step.

At the end, just fix your eyebrows a bit (don’t make 2 caterpillars) with an eyebrow pencil and a quick tap of translucent powder.

Finally, apply the setting spray, put some Vaseline for lip care and rose tint to your cheeks to get the dawy look!

Tips: #skincare #makeup #Keep_natural_look #apply_just_a_bit
My comment: I think it’s excellent for men to take care of their skin, even with a simple moisturiser. It looks healthier and helps preventing skin ageing.
The makeup may give you a sophisticated face. Good if you work in trendy industry, probably too much if in a more conservative one.
Liu Yifei – The Flawless Look

Age: 32
Liu Yifei is a real beauty, here’s how she maintains it:
Eat a lot of fruit
She either eats it directly or makes smoothies. Her favourite fruits are banana, apple, strawberry and lemon.

Drink a lot of water
Drinking water is the best way to increase moisture on the skin and body, so Ms. Liu always pays attention to drinking 8 glasses of water / day.

Swim often
Her favourite sport is swimming. She says that swimming helps to increase the toning and flexibility of the body as much as running or cardio. Keep your body looking compact!

Wash your face with warm water
She has oily skin and easily gets acne. Therefore, she often uses warm water about 30 degrees to wash her face to help pores expand, easily remove dirt and excess oil. After cleaning the skin with warm water, Liu Yifei washes her face with cool water to tighten pores, making skin firmer.

Tips: #eat_fruits #8_glasses_of_water #warm_water #swim
My comment: I like that she mentioned twice water, which is quite important for us since up to 60% of the body is water. Good reminder to us!
钟汉良 Wallace Chung – The Youthful Look

Age: 45
When we see Wallace, we would never guess he is 45 already! How is he freezing the process of ageing, listen to his advice!
Dance often and practice yoga
In Wallace’s life, exercise is a kind of “addiction.” He’s dancing since he was 17. Dance and yoga keep your body young.

Try not to stay up late
Staying up late can easily accelerate skin ageing and cause other adverse skin reactions. He suggested that to maintain the skin, you must have enough sleep.

Don’t smoke or drink
He never smokes and tries to drink as little as possible. He believes that smoking and regular drinking are bad habits that irritate the skin.
Be thankful and keep a good mood
The poor mood will bring a lot of negative effects on the body’s skin. Moody people are prone to acne and wrinkles. He will use various methods to adjust his mood and make himself feel relaxed & happy every day.

Tips: #dance #yoga #sleep_enough #no_smoking #no_drinking #be_positive
My comment: I like that he reflects also on our mind. If we are healthy inside it’s easier to maintain the outer beauty.
Carina Lau – Aging Gracefully Look

Age: 54
Carina Lau is a very good example that we can age gracefully! Let’s follow her lead!
Wear red colour
As she is born and raised in China, she prefers this colour. It’s a lucky, joyous and festive colour. She feels confident with red.

Dress up for the day
She looks forward to dressing up for the day because it (involves) a wave of different emotions, different feelings. If she’s meeting someone and if she knows his\her style preferences, she can wear a certain item he or she may like. This makes your life much more interesting.

Keep a healthy lifestyle
To her, beauty is also about doing sports — perspiring, increasing your metabolism, drinking more water, and resting more. She says that those are the best beauty tips that she can give. Exercising gives her a feeling of positive energy. Ms Carina rests on weekends and exercises Mondays to Fridays, jogs for half an hour and lifts simple weights.

Have at least one little black dress
This type of dress you can wear at almost all types of events! Herself owns a lot of them and thinks she can’t stop buying because they are so wearable. You can’t make a mistake.

Use a towel to clean your face
Instead of using hands, use a towel when cleaning the face. It removes dirt and it exfoliates. Massage your face for a minute or two.

Tips: #red_colour #dress_up #healty_lifestyle #LDB #use_towel
My comment: It’s good that she also mentions the clothes. It really has to match our beauty otherwise our image can be ruined. Remember that the whole picture counts!
Dear all, I hope these tips will help you to upgrade your life &beauty habits!