Dear ladies and gentlemen, table setting can be so much fun, however there are some rules to be followed. Do you know how many sets of chopsticks we should set on the table? What’s the distance between each glass? Today we propose you several methods for Chinese table setting.

Here you can have different formal options depending on the drinks and food that will be served. Let’s start with the basic formal setting for Chinese food.
Chinese Style
Step one
Put the charger plate on the table with around 1/2 knuckle (1 cm) distance from the edge of the table.

Step two
Put the chopstick ‘s rest on the right side of the plate. Place the spoon on the first spot, with one finger width between the spoon and the plate.

Step three
The spoon should be 1/2 knucle away from the table edge.

Step four
ut the chopsticks on the second spot, next to the spoon and 1/2 knuckle away from the edge.

Step five
Place red wine, white wine and water glass from left to right. Each of them on a distance equal to your finger width (around 1 cm).
Between the middle glass and the plate should be around 2 cm (2 fingers).

Step six
Put the napkin on the plate.

If you also have a towel, place it on the left of the plate.

Step seven
Put the tea bowl on the right side of the chopsticks one finger away (1 cm) from the chopsticks and the edge.

If the soup is going to be served as well, you can place the bowl on the top left together with the spoon (to the right). In this case, if the space is limited, place the glasses on the right as on the photo.

Step eight
The flower should be placed in the center of the table,facing the host or the most important people.
Chinese&Western Combination

If there is a fusion of Chinese and Western cuisine on the menu,then we have to add more cutlery.

Step one
Put the charger plate on the table with around 1/2 knuckle (1 cm) distance from the edge of the table.

Step two
Put the main fork on the left of plate, main knife on the right of the plate,both one finger away from the plate.

Step three
They should be 1/2 knuckle away from the edge.

Step four
Put the appetizer fork and knife next to the main fork and knife with one finger space, 1/2 knuckle away from the edge.

Step five
Put the chopstick’s rest on the right side of the appetizer knife with one finger distance, then put the spoon on the first spot.

Step six
The chopsticks should be placed on the right side of spoon, 1/2 knuckle away of the edge.

Step seven
Place the glasses, same as in Chinese style, step 5, then put the napkin on the charger plate.

If the soup is going to be served as well, you can place the bowl on the top left together with the spoon (to the right). In this case, if the space is limited, place the glasses on the right as on the photo.

Dear all, we know that Chinese dining etiquette is diverse and sophisticated, welcome to discuss with us if something is differently done in your province!
If there are two sets of chopsticks in front of you, which one is for serving?