Dear ladies & gentlemen, do you know how to eat oyster in western way?? Now it is the right time for you to learn!
Chinese VS. Western
Chinese like to eat well-cooked food, and the oyster will be cooked with garlic for instance. However, westerners prefer the fresh flavour of the oyster, and it will be eaten with lemons.

Do you know the correct way to eat oyster in western etiquette?
The oyster fork
There is specific cutlery for eating oyster: usually with 3 tines, but there are also 4 tines fork; And the shape of the fork is more rounded.

Eat the oyster elegantly
Way I: the elegant way
Use one hand to fix the oyster on the plate, then another hand takes the fork to detach the meat and the shell.

Squeeze the lemon and make sure the juice is mixed with the flesh.

Stir with the fork to make sure the meat is covered with the lemon juice and its own juice.
Take the meat with oyster fork and eat it.

Attention: be careful not to pierce through the meat with the fork.

Way II: the casual way
If you don’t have the oyster fork, you can also choose this way here.
Take the oyster with one hand, use a knife to detach the meat and the shell directly.

Squeeze the lemon and make sure the juice is mixed with the flesh.

Bring the oyster to the mouth and then eat the meat from the larger part of the shell.

Attention: be careful with the knife when detaching the meat.
Way III: the Chinese way
You can always eat it with chopsticks if you like. Detach the meat and pick the meat with your chopsticks!

What else do you need to know about oyster?
The best season for eating oyster is from November to the end of next April.

Oyster must be fresh; you could use lemon juice to test the vitality of the oyster.
Lemon can remove the fishy smell, or you can also eat the oyster with Red Wine Vinaigrette.

Don’t swallow the meat directly! You will only get the best flavour of the oyster by chewing the meat.
You can drink the juice inside.
Don’t make any sound when eating the meat or dinking the juice.
You can have white wine or champagne when enjoying the oyster.

Now do you know how to eat the oyster elegantly? Which way do you prefer? Write us a comment!