Video Blog

Table Manners

Table Setting – Cuttery

Table Manners

Table Setting – the Plates

Table Manners

Ice Cream Etiquette

Table Manners

Eat crayfish gracefully

Table Manners

Wine Pouring

Table Manners

Telephone Etiquette at the Tables

Table Manners

Where to Place the Napkin

Social & Business Manners


Table Manners

Shrimp Etiquette

Daily Etiquette

Elegant Sitting Posture

Daily Etiquette

4 Face Exercises for Rejuvenation

Social Manners

Sunglasses Etiquette

Table Manners

Banana Etiquette

Dress Code

Roll up your sleeves

Table Manners

Fruit Etiquette: Mango

Table Manners

Coffee etiquette


The art of sitting down & standing up

Table Manners

Fruit Etiquette ~ The Durian

Dress Code

Pocket square ~ The Puff

Social manners

Hug etiquette

Setting the table

Bread plate & napkin

Social manners

Umbrella etiquette

Social manners

How to enter & exit a room

Setting the table


Table manners

Using the cutlery – British way

Table manners

Using the cutlery – French way